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Defining Rhythm

If you are starting to explore music, it's helpful to know about pulse and rhythm. They're the foundations to every song. In this post, we'll give a definition of rhythm and a quick activity to get you on your way!

So, what is rhythm? The dictionary defines rhythm as a strong, regular repeated pattern of movement or sound. In music, we hear this as the pattern of long and short notes (or pitches) as you move through a particular song.

Let’s try it out:

Here's a short activity to help you recognise rhythms in music. Sing the ‘happy birthday’ song, clapping along to each word and syllable you sing:

You’ve just clapped along to the rhythm!

Now, try singing it in your head whilst clapping out loud.

Can you hear that there are patterns of long and short notes within the song?

Well... that’s rhythm for you!

And before you go. We thought we'd share this song about rhythm for you. We think its one of the most appropriate finale songs. What do you think?


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